Featured Projects Join The Med
Nelios Joins Forces with 8 International Organizations for the pioneering Join the MED Project
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Join the Med project by Nelios
An international consortium dedicated to promoting sustainable tourism

At Nelios, our portfolio is ever-evolving, reflecting our commitment to innovation and meaningful contributions. From crafting digital experiences for hotels and destinations, we are now excited to share our involvement in a significant new venture – sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.  Our recent project, Join the MED, was developed in collaboration with 8 international organisations and institutions within the framework of the Interreg Euro – Mediterranean Sustainable Tourism program, a research program committed to preserving the rich and diverse heritage of the region.

  • About Join the MED

    Join the MED is a powerful initiative designed to highlight and promote sustainable tourism practices across the Mediterranean region. The platform is aimed at institutions, organizations, and other global agents vested in sustainable futures, aiming to share awareness, best practices, challenges, and results of regional efforts. It provides policy extensions for tourism-related activities, supporting practitioners, policy-makers, academics, and other stakeholders in capitalizing on valuable insights from various initiatives. It serves as a knowledge hub for sustainable tourism, mapping initiatives and identifying tangible tools, methods, and solutions for achieving sustainability in the tourism sector.

  • The Stakeholders & Supporting Partners

    Nelios collaborated with prestigious research institutions in order to collate the necessary information to complete this project. “Join the MED” falls under the greater “Community4Tourism” initiative, part of the Sustainable Tourism Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme running between 2021 and 2027. DIBA is the main coordinator of the project – Barcelona Provincial Council (Spain), in partnership with UTH – University of Thessaly (Greece), AIE – Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (Croatia), CRPM – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (France), NECSTouR- Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism (Belgium), UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (Italy), Plan Bleu for Mediterranean environment and development (France), UT – University of Tirana (Albania).

Join the Med sustainability initiative digital platform by Nelios
About the Project
A Challenge Worth Tackling

The challenge was to synthesize vast information into an engaging, digestible format. Our goal was to present and effectively communicate complex data to inform and inspire stakeholders of the various actions in the region.


Being part of this project is incredibly rewarding. It aligns with our values — innovation, sustainability, collaboration and a commitment to excellence, while helping to drive positive change. Reflecting on the “Join the MED” project, we are hopeful for the future. The project showcases the potential of collaboration for championing sustainable tourism and underscores the need for more initiatives that promote environmental preservation.


Join the MED is a project we are eager to see make a lasting impact on the Mediterranean region and beyond. We remain committed to leveraging our expertise to create impactful projects that make a difference. Watch this space…

Shall we start something

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